TERRA CHIPS: Sweets and Carrots Sweet Potato Chips No Salt Added, 6 oz


  • CAD: 7.57 $

243 in stock

SKU: KHFM00304573 Category:

A traditional American root vegetable that contains natural sweetness. It is a domesticated form of the wild carrot. The edible part of a carrot is a taproot.
Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato, a root vegetable often called a yam, is not really a yam at all, but rather a distinct variety of the Ipomea Batata family. Cultivated for thousands of years in the Western Hemisphere, Sweet Potatoes have become an important part of traditional American cuisine.

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 3.45 × 8.35 × 11.5 cm

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TERRA CHIPS: Sweets and Carrots Sweet Potato Chips No Salt Added, 6 oz


  • CAD: 7.57 $

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